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In life, time is your greatest currency.


Imagine adding up every minute that you have spent in the last month

feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or confused.



Those minutes add up hours, to days.




All that stress blocks opportunities, creates stagnation, and creates new stresses.





When you have questions, not knowing is so STRESSFUL.

Am I on the right path?
Are my children ok?
Will I be supported in a career change?
Is my Loved One at Peace?

 Psychic Medium Readings 
with Sedona Psychic Medium, Christina Wooten




In short, this kind of anxiety robs us from way too much joy, peace, and beauty!


And you deserve better. 

It doesn't have to be this way!

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No matter what you are going through, there IS a positive way forward.


Even Jumanji had a map and directions for the rules of the game!


Something as important as your happiness, health, career, finances, family, and love shouldn't be left up to trial and error. Especially if you are stressed out.


Imagine being able to go directly to “the source”. To get some insight from the very Spirit Guides who's full-time job it is to help you.


And they take that job seriously.


A psychic medium reading at the right time can be the most powerful stimulant to growth and transformation in our lives.












Spirit knows that you need the kind of messages that make you tingle all over with truth.


                                         A profound message can finally set us on the right track.


                    Messages can give us the courage and confidence to make long overdue changes.


               Messages of closure and comfort from Loved Ones on the other side can finally begin the                                                   healing process and help mend broken hearts.


Spirit understands us on every level.

This complete love and acceptance is incredibly healing.

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Why you need a Medium.

Did you know there is a difference between psychics, mediums, and intuitives?


By definition, there are – BIG differences.


A psychic's awareness is limited to perceiving information from your auric field.


An intuitive is someone who can communicate with their Spirit Guides but not other people's guides or Loved Ones.


A Medium is someone who is able to communicate with another person's Spirit Guides, Loved Ones who have crossed over, as well as gain info on their state of health and wellbeing and then act as a medium for Spirit to communicate through.


If you are looking for a reading, chances are, you need a Medium.

Christina Wooten is an experienced Psychic Medium in Sedona, AZ and has undergone extensive training in Mediumship – was tested – vetted – and Certified, and has

trained several professional Mediums.





  • Soul Contracts


  • Experiences and relationships in your life


  • Illuminate options


  • Introduce your Spirit Guides


  • Help you understand the energies at play in these areas of life and how to work with them


  • Get to the root of destructive patterns


  • Additionally, your Loved Ones who have crossed over that have been waiting for this very opportunity to share messages of healing, love, and evidence of their survival can come through for you.

Information may come through about any of these areas of life (plus more)!

Hear the overall outlook in any of these categories, receive specific recommendations or support from Spirit, pitfalls to avoid, and ask your questions!

Real People.  Real Results.

Pink Clouds

Shannon H.

Thank you so much for sending over the recording and for the wonderful readings. You helped both my sister and I settle into decisions we knew had to be made. It also brought much needed healing to both of us. 

Thank you for everything!

Pink Clouds

Lisa W.

 I want you to know how blown away I was by the things you told me.  Those are things I haven’t told anyone but my own family.

Pink Clouds

Kelly B.

Thank you so much for the reading.  I was happy to connect with so many loved ones who have crossed.  I will certainly listen to the session again and again.

I work with Spirit to ensure that the information that comes through be actionable, grounded, and meaningful to you, right away.


Most people feel guided to a Psychic Medium reading, because their guides have been trying to get their attention, but don't feel like they are getting through.


I know that what you are looking for is a powerful tool for transformation ~ not a dog and pony show and not someone who is going to try and sell you on releasing non-existent curses.


Just authentic and loving communication from the Spirit World so you can release the stress holding you back.

Christina is a very soulful and practical medium whose legitimacy is beyond question. She


During a Reading, we begin with a quick check in with you to put your mind at ease and be sure you understand the process. We open the reading with an opening prayer. I tune into your energy and begin to speak with your Spirit Guides, passing along the information as we go.


You will have a chance to ask questions and receive Spirit's answers. Don't worry, no question is silly!


If you have scheduled a 60 minute reading, your session is recorded in an audio format (MP3) and sent to you after the reading, so you don't have to worry about taking tons of notes or that you might miss something. You can listen back to your recording anytime and feel Spirit's love all over again <3


And BTW~ getting a Psychic Medium reading in this day and age has never been easier!


Gone are the days where you had to travel a million miles to meet with a psychic in a room billowing with Sage smoke to connect with Spirit.

Although in all fairness, I am a fan of White Sage :)


Since Spirit isn't limited by time and space, you don't have to be either. 

And you don't have to sacrifice any accuracy in the process.

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Frequently asked questions

Can someone sit in with me during my reading?


For clarity of the energy and message, readings are 1:1

Do you need pictures of my loved ones?
Do you need pictures of my loved ones?





Do you offer
in-person sessions?
Do you offer
in-person sessions?




All sessions are available no-matter where you are via

Phone, Zoom, or Skype.


Make your Appointment here:

Still have Questions?

Reach out to our support team here: 

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